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In recent days the neighbours around Loro Parque have informed us about the illegal trespassing of strangers on their privately properties, invading totally the privacy of their land and homes. These strangers announced themselves as members of the organization Free Morgan Foundation, when they were surprised by the owners of the surrounding farms hidden in the vegetation and with powerful photographic equipment, while attempting to violate the security fences bordering our park facilities.

We consider this as a morally improper, offensive and disrespectful attitude and it demonstrates, once again, that the only purpose of these small groups of activists is to discredit a zoological institution, at any price, even committing a crime like this. We also regret that these groups use this type of strategy in addition to false and incorrect arguments to gain visibility and the support of persons of goodwill who, in the same way as Loro Parque, only desire the well-being of the animals.

We also want this momentum to be directed to the real work for the conservation of those animal species that are really endangered and need the truly sincere commitment of everyone.