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Choloepus didactylus

At Loro Parque our sloths belong to the two-toed subspecies, which are slightly larger than three-toed sloths. They are solitary animals that are active during the day and dwell in tree branches. They rarely choose to climb down to the ground, except when they need to defecate.

Despite their quiet appearance, their powerful dentition with sharp teeth is capable of rivalling jaguars.

Up to 6,2 kg

Vegetables and fruit

South America

182 days

Interesting facts about sloths

They have an exceptionally slow metabolism.

Their joints allow them to comfortably hang upside down.

A sloth is an entire ecosystem of its own. In the wild, a sloth hosts different kinds of parasites in its fur. For instance, nocturnal butterflies.

They have poor visual acuity.

How we help the conservation of sloths

Since 1972, Loro Parque has been studying animals and sharing knowledge with educational and scientific organisations. Our contribution to the conservation of animal species and their habitats, including sloths, focuses on spreading awareness among visitors, donating more than 24 million dollars to the Loro Parque Fundación and participating in hundreds of studies and biodiversity conservation projects.

Furthermore, the park energy and consumption model seeks to make a positive impact on slowing down and reversing the effects of climate change.